A senior Bajrang Dal leader said a true Muslim could never speak against the country and Mr Khan’s statements against Indian Army prove that he is not a true Muslim. A statement released by members of Bajrang Dal read “Anyone who will paint his face black and feed him pork will be awarded Rs 1 crore”.People shout slogans and burn an effigy of former minister of Uttar Pradesh Azam Khan during a protest against his controversial remarks on Army jawans, in Patna.THE ASIAN AGE.“It was widely reported in newspapers and television that women terrorists of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha mutilated the dead bodies of (CRPF) soldiers and took away their private parts,” read the statement. “They didn’t take their head or limbs but their private parts.
Mr Khan had while addressing SP supporters at an Eid function on Tuesday apparently said that some women militants took away private parts of soldiers. The act has such a big message to it…”However, in a written explanation, the SP leader said his statement was in reference to a Maoist attack in Jharkhand earlier this year.
The Bajrang Dal has announced a cash reward of Rs 51 lakh for beheading Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan for allegedly accusing the Indian Army of excesses.end-ofTags: bajrang dal, azam khan, indian armyLocation: India, Delhi, New Delhi.The right-wing Hindutva group announced the bounty a day after Mr Khan was booked for sedition on a complaint given by a VHP leader in Uttar Pradesh.An FIR was registered against Khan under IPC sections 124 A (sedition), 131 (abetting mutiny) and 505 (public mischief) at Chandpur police station. Published: Jul 2, 2017, 2:53 am IST Updated: Jul 2, 2017, 2:54 am IST The right-wing Hindutva group announced the bounty a day Pengchi 12.9 grade screws after Khan was booked for sedition on a complaint given by a VHP leader in Uttar Pradesh. “There must be a DNA test,” he added
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نوشته شده در تاريخ دو شنبه 29 آذر 1400برچسب: , توسط ueushfdvdin
The Tokyo-based firm is facing lawsuits and huge costs over the problems that are linked to at least 16 deaths and scores of injuries globally.The scandal-hit firm and some of its car customers are facing legal claims they knew about the problem and kept silent about it.AFP Published: Jun 26, 2017, 1:52 pm IST Updated: Jun 26, 2017, 1:52 pm IST The airbag division has accounted for more than a third of total annual revenue around 663 billion yen.Takata has already agreed to pay a billion-dollar fine to settle with US safety regulators over its airbags, and the company was heavily criticised for staying largely silent as the crisis grew.Nearly 100 million cars, including about 70 million in the United States, were subject to the recall.
Billion-dollar fineTakata shares soared more than 40 percent on Friday after collapsing over the week as traders made bets on its likely bankruptcy.58 billion, both companies said Monday. and eventually will be wound down".Analysts attributed the upsurge on Friday to speculative trading among short-term investors hoping to profit from wild swings in share prices as well as to position adjustments ahead of the weekend."I apologise from the bottom of my heart for causing trouble to all the people concerned and creditors who gave us their support and cooperation," Takada said, adding that he would resign at the "appropriate time" when the business changes hands.Little-known outside Japan, Takata evolved from a small factory into an automotive parts giant in the Eighties. Tokyo-based firm is facing lawsuits and huge costs over the problems that are linked to at least 16 deaths and scores of injuries globally.Trading in Takata shares was suspended at the opening of the stock market Monday after a week of wild volatility and the Tokyo exchange said it would delist the firm on July 27.end-ofTags: takata, bankruptcy protection, airbag defect, global airbag recall, automakerLocation: Japan, Tokyo-to, Tokyo.American auto parts maker Key Safety China wholesale mold Spring Systems (KSS), owned by China39;s Ningbo Joyson Electronic, will take over Takata for an estimated $1.However, operations linked to the defective airbags will not become part of the combined company, which "will be run by reorganised Takata.Millions of airbags produced for some of the largest automakers, including Toyota and General Motors, are being recalled because of the risk that they could improperly inflate and rupture, potentially firing deadly shrapnel at the occupants.
The ultimate cause of the malfunctions has not yet been identified but three factors are suspected: a chemical component, ammonium nitrate, that responds poorly to humidity; extreme climatic conditions, such as heat and high humidity; and faulty design.Tokyo: Japan39;s crisis-hit car parts maker Takata said Monday it has filed for bankruptcy protection and its chief executive would quit, after a deadly airbag defect triggered the auto industry39;s biggest ever safety recall.There were no immediate plans to reduce Takata39;s 46,000-employee headcount or close factories as part of the deal, he added. Immediate confirmation was not available. It said the court had accepted the measure.The scandal has involved almost every major global automaker, including top client Honda, which has already written down significant costs linked to the crisis..It has dozens of plants and offices in 20 countries, including the US, China and Mexico. The airbag division has accounted for more than a third of total annual revenue around 663 billion yen, with seatbelts and steering wheels among its other key products.
Takata39;s major automaker clients reportedly support the bankruptcy filing plan."Although Takata has been impacted by the global airbag recall, the underlying strength of its skilled employee base, geographic reach, and exceptional steering wheels, seat belts and other safety products have not diminished," he said in a statement.Takata has 12 overseas subsidiaries that have also filed for bankruptcy protection.Takata39;s chief executive Shigehisa Takada, whose grandfather started the company in 1933 as a textile maker, said he would resign once the takeover was complete..39;Underlying strength39;"At a board meeting on June 26, our company decided to begin procedures in filing for bankruptcy protection," Takata said in a statement after making the filing with the Tokyo District Court.Jason Luo, president and chief executive of KSS, voiced confidence in Takata39;s rehabilitation."The proposed structure for the potential transaction is intended to minimise transaction risk and supply chain disruption concerns for Takata39;s (automaker) customers," Luo added.News reports have said Takata39;s liabilities would exceed one trillion yen ($9 billion)
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نوشته شده در تاريخ دو شنبه 29 آذر 1400برچسب: , توسط ueushfdvdin
Chinese President Xi Jinping, who spoke to Trump on Monday, is urging restraint from both Pyongyang and Washington. China, which has grown increasingly frustrated with its ally Pyongyang, and Russia see the system39;s powerful radars as a security threat.About 8,000 police officers were mobilized, and the main road leading up to the site in the country39;s southeast was blocked earlier Wednesday, Yonhap reported. On Friday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will chair a special meeting of the UN Security Council.The Trump administration is also upping the ante diplomatically. (Photo: AP)Seoul: In a defiant bit of timing, South Korea announced on Wednesday that key parts of a contentious US missile defence system had been installed a day after rival North Korea showed off its military power. Graham, a defence hawk who dined with Trump on Monday night, said the North should not underestimate the president39;s resolve.Tillerson will be "very vocal" about nations enforcing sanctions on North Korea, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said.
South Korea said in a statement on Wednesday that unspecified parts of THAAD were installed.North Korea conducted live-fire artillery drills on Tuesday, the 85th anniversary of the founding of its million-person strong Korean People39;s Army.end-ofTags: thaad, north korea artillery drill, us missile defence systemLocation: South Korea, Seoul, Seoul.The South39;s trumpeting of progress on setting up the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence system, or THAAD, comes as high-powered US military assets converge on the Korean Peninsula and as a combative North Korea signals possible nuclear and missile testing.The streets of Pyongyang, however, were quiet for Tuesday39;s anniversary, which was overshadowed by April 15 celebrations for the birthday of the nation39;s late founder Kim Il Sung, and were marked by a missile test the following day.
A rapid tempo of North Korean weapons testing in the past year has pushed Kim Jong Un39;s authoritarian nation closer to developing a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the US mainland. Lindsey Graham voiced confidence that Trump won39;t allow North Korea to reach that point.In Washington, top Trump administration officials are due to brief the entire US Senate on Wednesday.The moves to set up THAAD within this year have angered not only North Korea, but also China, the country that the Trump administration mold Spring hopes to work with to rid the North of nuclear weapons.Along with sending US military assets to the region in a show of force, President Donald Trump is leaning on China to exert economic pressure on its wayward ally. The US 7th Fleet said two American destroyers were conducting simultaneous maritime exercises with naval ships from South Korea and Japan.Republican Sen. About 200 residents and protesters rallied against THAAD in front of a local community center, some hurling plastic water bottles. And the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier is also headed toward the peninsula for a joint exercise with South Korea. According to Yonhap news agency, the parts include two or three launchers, intercept missiles and a radar.
The statement said that Seoul and Washington have been pushing to get THAAD quickly working to cope with North Korea39;s advancing nuclear and missile threats. Trump said Monday the council must be prepared to impose stronger sanctions.North Korea routinely accuses the United States of readying for an invasion, and threatens pre-emptive strikes to stop it. On the same day, a US guided-missile submarine docked in South Korea.The nuclear-powered submarine USS Michigan approaches to join the US aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in drills near the Korean Peninsula.North Korea39;s official media reported Wednesday that leader Kim Jong Un personally observed the exercises, which involved the firing of more than 300 large-caliber artillery pieces and included submarine torpedo-attacks on mock enemy warships.AP Published: Apr 26, 2017, 10:37 am IST Updated: Apr 26, 2017, 10:37 am IST On Tuesday, North Korea conducted what it called its largest ever combined live-fire drills, near the east coast port city of Wonsan.On Tuesday, North Korea conducted what it called its largest ever combined live-fire drills, near the east coast port city of Wonsan.The USS Michigan, a nuclear-powered submarine, arrived Tuesday at the South Korean port of Busan for what was described as a routine visit to rest crew and load supplies. An unnamed North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said the US administration39;s policy to maximize pressure on North Korea was "little short of lighting the fuse of total war," the state news agency reported Tuesday
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نوشته شده در تاريخ دو شنبه 1 آذر 1400برچسب: , توسط ueushfdvdin
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